
Commonwealth funding to help WesCEF accelerate decarbonisation

24 April 2024

Wesfarmers Chemicals, Energy and Fertilisers’ (WesCEF) CSBP business has been awarded $32.9 million from the Commonwealth Government to accelerate its decarbonisation journey.

The funding, received through the Powering the Regions Fund, will be used to install tertiary abatement catalysts in two of its older Nitric Acid Ammonium Nitrate (NAAN) Plants at CSBP’s Kwinana facility, which will reduce the plants’ greenhouse gas emissions by 64,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent per year.

The Commonwealth funding is in addition to $500,000 awarded to CSBP late last year via the WA State Government’s Carbon Innovation Grants program to pilot this latest form of catalyst technology in WesCEF’s third NAAN plant.

WesCEF Managing Director Ian Hansen said the announcement was a great example of industry, State and Commonwealth governments working together to deliver our common objective of net zero emissions.

“The first phase of our abatement journey began in 2012 and we have achieved some considerable results with over 8.5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent greenhouse gas emissions abated from the older, secondary catalyst technology installed on all three of our NAAN plants,” Mr. Hansen said.

Mr. Hansen said the funding would help the business accelerate phase two of its Net Zero Roadmap by applying this latest technology to the two remaining plants.

“This grant will help us accelerate toward our goal of reducing nitrous oxide emissions from our NAAN plants by 98% before 2028, which in turn supports our target of 30% reduction in emissions by 2030 relative to our 2020 baseline,” Mr. Hansen said.
The funding also enables the decarbonisation of the critical value chains in which WesCEF operates.

“By installing this technology we do our part to decarbonise our own operations while helping our customers in the mining and agricultural sectors decarbonise their businesses by providing them with low emissions