WesCEF induction information for WesCEF Suppliers, Contractors and Customers.
Prior to commencing any work at a WesCEF, CSBP or Kleenheat site, individuals are required to complete a general site induction, plus any specific area inductions as required.
Inductions are completed in the WesCEF’s Contractor Induction Portal, which you can access via your PC, portable device or smartphone.
To ensure WesCEF can support mobilisation to site, please complete online induction at least one week before the commencement of work. Please note, access to WesCEF’s sites will not be granted if the induction is not successfully completed.
Read more about induction requirements for suppliers, contractors and customers below:
Entity who has a contractual commitment with WesCEF

A supplier is the legal entity that will perform work and with whom WesCEF has a financial and contractual commitment.
WesCEF suppliers are responsible for managing their employees competency documentation and site inductions. To do this they need access to WesCEF’s Contractor Induction Portal. Please complete the form below to request access.
To ensure WesCEF team can support mobilisation to site, please commence the onboarding process at least one week prior to the commencement of work.
Please note: Supplier employees will be unable to access the site if they have not successfully completed the required inductions.
Inductions can be completed via laptop, PC or iOS / Android portable device/smart phone.
For assistance, please refer to the user guides below or email inductions@wescef.com.au
- Full Supplier User Guide
- Overview of Induction Process
- WesCEF Alcohol and Other Drug Screen Declaration
- Supplier Admin Frequently Asked Questions
- Key Onboarding Information for Supplier Admins
Individual working or driving on site

A contractor is the individual that performs work on behalf of a supplier. This person is required to be suitably trained, qualified and inducted to perform the requested task.
If you work for a WesCEF supplier, your company administrator will register your details in WesCEF’s Contractor Induction Portal.
Once you are registered, you will receive a system-generated email to access your online induction.
If you haven’t received an email, please firstly contact your company administrator, alternatively email inductions@wescef.com.au.
To ensure WesCEF can support your mobilisation to site, please complete the online induction at least one week before the commencement of work.
Please note that you will not have access to site if you do not successfully complete the induction.
Individual collecting product from site

A customer is a person or legal entity who purchase goods or services from a WesCEF business. This could mean you are an individual or sole trader who has purchased a product or someone who is carting/collecting product on behalf of a customer.
- If you are collecting granulated fertiliser, please contact CSBP Fertiliser Customer Service 1800 198 365
- If you are carting Flexi-N for yourself or on behalf of a customer, you are required to complete the CSBP General Site Induction before coming on site.
Contact information
If you require assistance with WesCEF’s induction process please contact our team via inductions@wescef.com.au.