This month Michael Rodriguez, Manager of Engineering at Covalent, reaches a milestone 35 years with WesCEF.
Michael gave us some insight into his time with WesCEF, which has allowed him to see the evolution of WesCEF and its businesses from when he first started in 1990.
“My first job after studying Chemical Engineering at Curtin Uni was at CSBP, at the Kwinana Nitrogen Company (KNC) site. KNC was located adjacent to CSBP, and is the location of the original ammonia, nitric acid and ammonium nitrate plants built in 1968.
I was employed by CSBP but working at the KNC site as a process engineer, starting on 2 Jan 1990. I thought working at CSBP would be a good thing, because it had many different chemical plants (of interest to a chemical engineer!) and in the metro area.”
Michael’s experience with WesCEF spans various Ammonia Ammonium Nitrate and Sodium Cyanide engineering, process and production roles and leadership positions through to his current role as Engineering Manager with Covalent, where he is responsible for the development of the detailed design of the Lithium Hydroxide Refinery.
“My role is largely about leading and supporting the multi-disciplined engineering team with integration of the design across the many different procurement packages and stakeholder requirements, and to ensure safety and regulatory compliance are upheld.”
As the engineering phase nears completion at the Refinery, Michael has taken on new responsibilities as the interim Processing Manager for the Mt Holland concentrator while recruitment for the permanent role is completed.
“I’m enjoying this role because of the learning opportunity to understand the concentrator flowsheet and to meet new people within the organisation.”
With diverse rolls across much of WesCEF surely Michael has some highlights or achievements to share?
“The highlights have generally involved some sort of opportunity for growth and always involved challenges, including the balance of family life.
It is hard to rank, but my time in Sodium Cyanide was significant because of the demands of being new to a management role, at the same time as starting a family – all three of my kids were born in the “cyanide” years. In particular, the commissioning of the Sodium Cyanide Solids plant was both technically and operationally challenging. So nine years later, with three kids and a new plant commissioned for AGR, it certainly shaped my personal development and resilience skills.”
“A close second would be the Ammonium Nitrate 3 Expansion Project – simply because of the incredible work environment and alignment across the whole project team to deliver the single biggest internal capital expenditure for Wesfarmers at the time.”

“My time in Technical Services was rewarding as I had the opportunity to work with very talented and hardworking people, as well as shape the way technical and engineering services were delivered for improved value.”
“Finally, the last 5 years at Covalent has been a highlight due to the nascent nature of the work, the size and complexities that come with starting up a new organisation, of designing a new flowsheet, and building it at scale. There have been lots of new learnings and in a sector of importance to our society.”
And what of change? Michael has seen huge transformations in the technical capabilities across the business.
“With the development in technology we can now engineer, monitor and control the production facilities with precision – and this has made them more reliable and much safer.”
And what has kept Michael with WesCEF for so long?
“The diversity of opportunities across different work environments, projects, or business functions has always left me feeling lucky. The organisation has been successful and safe, so why not stay with a winner! Also, to work alongside executive leaders who are genuine and approachable people with good values is something that shouldn’t be taken for granted.
And finally, being part of Wesfarmers has provided the opportunity to meet and work with diverse people outside of the WesCEF division on special projects, which has been interesting.”
Michael loves a game of golf and would happily play most days of the week if time allowed. When he’s not strolling from green to green, he enjoys hitting the pavement for some clarity of mind and wellbeing.
Michael is looking forward to completing the Cape to Cape track later this year.
Enjoy the trail!