We believe we have a responsibility to get behind our communities and, more than that, we’re proud to do so.
WesCEF and our businesses support the communities in which they operate through a range of different partnership programs.
Kwinana and Rockingham Community Partnerships
WesCEF partners with organisations that support the communities closest to our Kleenheat and CSBP operations in the Kwinana and Rockingham areas. Some of our recent partnerships include:
City of Kwinana's Children's Festival
One of the City of Kwinana's premier events, the Children's Festival, with rides, live entertainment and fun activities for Kwinana families.
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KIC education programs
WesCEF is a proud supporter of Kwinana Industries Council's range of education programs, including iScience, iWomen and iDiversity.
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Connecting to Aboriginal culture a focus for WesCEF grant program
WesCEF community grant program recipients for 2023/24 made opportunities to connect to Aboriginal culture a clear focus.
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CSBP Coastal Connections Challenge
A youth-led event that empowers participants to develop solutions to real coastal environmental issues affecting their community.
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The Kwinana STEM Network
In partnership with Scitech, the Kwinana STEM Network enables local primary school teachers to develop their understanding of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) curriculum and produce practical STEM lesson plans.
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Aboriginal Partnerships
WesCEF’s Aboriginal community partnerships support Aboriginal and Torres Strait people in the communities in which we operate our community.
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CSBP Fertilisers is proud to partner with organisations that support regional West Australia and sustainable agricultural communities.
Kleenheat is proud to share the love in the communities in which they operate through their key partnerships and sponsorships.
WesCEF has a number of partnerships that support our local Aboriginal communities and promote employment opportunities within our businesses.
WesCEF values industry collaboration and sharing knowledge to collectively improve health, safety and environmental performance. Our businesses are actively involved in a number of industry bodies in Western Australia and Victoria including the Kwinana Industries Council.
Regular community communication
WesCEF’s businesses have an ongoing commitment to keeping the community informed of our activities. We conduct site tours for a range of stakeholders, maintain relevant and current websites, post information on the Kwinana Industries Council’s Community Information Service and distribute media statements, as appropriate. WesCEF’s businesses also regularly participate in the Kwinana Community and Industries Forum.